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    Kewlster's GM Application


    Posts : 1
    Join date : 2009-02-20

    Kewlster's GM Application Empty Kewlster's GM Application

    Post  Kyoshi Fri Feb 20, 2009 7:38 pm

    What Time Zone are you in:

    GMT + 8

    Where do you live:


    Why should we choose you as GM:

    I will do things to help the server , e.g , catching hackers ? doing events to kill boredom for the players ?

    What bring you here:

    Surfing through xtremetop100.com Very Happy

    How active can you be:

    2-4 hours a day

    Do you know how to Java code if answer = a little don't bother >.<


    How long can you be active each day:

    2-4 hours a day

    Will you keep your promised not to abuse your power:


    How long you been in our server:

    2days only , but i still want to try my luck

    What is your In-game character name:


    Filled up the forms below =).

    What is your MSN:


    What will you do when you are in our server:

    Help the people in the server

    Will you spam Smega and crash the server :

    Nope ,GMs have GM notices , whats the use of Smegas for GMs?

    Will you reply to PM even you got flooded:

    Yes , i will ask those people to gather at one place , so that they can tell me all their problems at once .

    You have Any GFX/Graphic design skills :


    What happen if you suddenly over spawned more then 100~200 Monsters:

    I will try to not spawn unless it's my carelessness ,i will apologise . I will immediately kill all mobs .

    Thanks for reading my application Very Happy

      Current date/time is Sat Sep 28, 2024 2:18 am