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    ID LIST -title too short-

    Forum Addict
    Forum Addict

    Posts : 56
    Join date : 2009-03-02

    ID LIST  -title too short- Empty ID LIST -title too short-

    Post  stagesin Wed Mar 04, 2009 6:25 am

    I made a list of the most usefull ID's, including monsters, maps and items.

    Post a reply if you want anything added.


    Rapidshare - http://rapidshare.com/files/205225479/maplestory_ID.txt.html

    Mediafire - http://www.mediafire.com/?sharekey=5c5f2d41b4f6f4195a3d773badf21430e04e75f6e8ebb871

    Also, post a reply if the link gets broken, or runs out of downloads, for some reason it can only be downloaded 10 times O.o

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