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    New? iNewbs Gm application


    Am i worthy of being a GM?

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    Total Votes: 5

    Posts : 27
    Join date : 2009-02-24
    Age : 115
    Location : On top of you (girls only)

    New? iNewbs Gm application Empty New? iNewbs Gm application

    Post  iNewb Sat Mar 07, 2009 4:24 pm

    What Time Zone are you in:

    Awnser-Pacific Time Zone

    Where do you live:

    Answer-Torrance, California, United States

    Why should we choose you as GM:

    Answer-You should choose me as a GM because i have experience, I won't abuse my powers,
    I am very friendly and helpful. Sorta active if you say so. I can help out players who are stuck, glitched, have questions, or etc. I will not help players train unless I am on a non-GM character.

    What bring you here:

    Answer-I was just looking for a server to play xtremetop100.com and i came across AkatsukiMS so i decided to play and to say this that my time here has been really great all the GMs are very friendly everyone who i meet helped me out or i helped them out.

    How active can you be:

    Answer-I can be pretty active but sometimes I won't be on because I will be playing on my ps3 or having some fun with some friends or out with family.

    Do you know how to Java code?(if answered like this = a little don't bother >.<)

    Answer-No, I don't know how Java code. And i have no intentions of learning how yet.

    How long can you be active each day:

    Answer-I can be active for around 3~5hours on weekdays and 3~8hours on weekends. Unless I am gone visiting cousins, out with family/friends, at a party for someone's birthday, or maybe even on a vacation.

    Will you keep your promised not to abuse your power:

    Answer-Yes, i promise not to abuse my powers by giving people items. I will only use my powers to help other GMs in events only if asked. I will also warp people out if they are stuck and will help them out and guide them through there time playing AkatsukiMs. I would also help players who are glitched or who over leveled and need fourth job. I can also help answer questions.

    How long you been in our server:

    Answer-I've only been in your server for a couple of days.(edit)So now I have been playing for a week and everyone i have meet seems really nice and friendly.

    What is your In-game character name:

    Answer-My in game name inside AkatsukiMs is iNewb.Smile Most of you guys probably know me by now.

    Filled up the forms below =).

    What Is your aim?

    Answer-MY aim is LykeOmgHaii373.I know its funny but i do not mind if u guys laugh. Smile

    What is your MSN:


    What will you do when you are in our server:

    Answer-When/If I am in your server i will start by helping people who need help. Like if they need help answering questions, or wondering what commands there are in this server. And like what not to do.

    Will you spam Smega and crash the server :

    Answer-No, I wont smega and the crash the server. I will not spam smegas because it will lag up the server and the server can not take it. Then if i did that the server would have to restart and maybe rollback everyone.And if they got rolled back everyone would be pissed at me and probably wont want me to be a GM anymore.

    Will you reply to PM even you got flooded:

    Answer-Yes, I will still reply. Okay so like for example Harry and Sergio are the only ones on and Sergio has to leave and Harry is left with people needing help. I would still answer to them because you do not really know whats wrong with there character or something like they found a hacker or there glitched or there keyboard got wiped.

    You have Any GFX/Graphic design skills :

    Answer-No, Not really unless u want it sloppy cause I use paint and bannedstory. Plus if i tried it would not turn out that good because the words are in different places?

    What happen if you suddenly over spawned more then 100~200 Monsters:

    Answer-I would kill it and spawn less. Clear drops as soon as possible.

    Will you ever give out any Summoning Bags:

    Answer-No, i would not ever give out summoning bags to players because well if people use it and other people do not get to use it i consider it as cheating plus they have to train on the monsters that are already in the map or in free market. Because silver slimes give a lot of exp and i think it would be better of for them to train legit instead of using cheap slimes to train.

    What if we caught you red-handed giving out of Items:

    Answer-If you guys caught me red-handed giving items out i will take the punishment such as let u guys delete my character, take away my GM status, and whatever you guys think about. I would totally take full responsibility if that happened.

    Write a Summary about yourself before you be a GM:Hi, my name is Kevin.I am 13 on March 16th.
    I currently live in California.I am Asian around 5'5.Currently just chilling play new servers and finding out which ones i like the most so i can continue playing them.I like to be active most of the time but my mom does not trust me outside cause she thinks its to dangerous so i have to stay inside so i play maple cause i am bored. I only speak Chinese and English. I have been playing private servers for awhile because regular maple is getting boring.

    [IMPORTANT]:What if we caught you for copying people's Applications:

    Answer:If you guys caught me using information from other peoples applications then i guess i do not deserve to be a GM at Akatsuki and i will take the punishment you give me. Because it would not be fair if i used other peoples info cause they would know.

    Thank You for wasting your time reading my App~<3

    New? iNewbs Gm application Inewbsig
    Thanks To a Friend

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