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2 posters

    Reason for Voting


    Are you going to vote Daily? (Please be honest)

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    Total Votes: 3

    Posts : 49
    Join date : 2009-02-13
    Age : 33
    Location : Houston, TX

    Reason for Voting Empty Reason for Voting

    Post  1337 Sun Mar 15, 2009 11:51 am

    I found that some people don't even vote and they are complaining about lags. I'm not going to put names since I don't want to make enemies. Here's the reason for Voting :

    We will have more people playing in this server if you vote. Voting will bring donors. We will have less lag if people donate because stuff like Dedi will make the server less laggy. If you are not going to vote, then don't complain about the lag. I found that only about 5% of all the people are voting daily. There are some selfish people like beggers, who got enough time to beg for several hours. It only takes like 15 seconds to go to the website and vote.

    If you like events, then you should vote instead of begging a GM for serveral hours. The only thiing you can get from begging a GM is a free world tour. If you vote, maybe we can have one of those HUGE events (Ex: several thousand monsters) without server crash. Right now, the only kind of event we can have is : Hide and Seek, Boss Event(Only 1 or 2 bosses at a time), Slime Event(Only like 50 at a time), JQ, and all other stuff that won't cause much lag. Think about it this way. Let's say an event is a dinner table with your favorite food. How would you like to turn that into a party? It would be impossible without votes.

    If you think you love this server, then vote daily and show your support. Being lazy and not voting is a way to hate the server.

    The most importantly, the most popular one is XtremeTop100.
    Reason for Voting Votenew

    Vote every 12 hours to reduce lags. Don't be selfish and lazy. If you have enough time to get on computer, then you should have enough time to vote.

    Here are some ways to vote more than once in 12 hours :
    - Internet Cafe : get on all the computers available and vote!
    - Library : same as in the Internet Cafe.
    - Proxy your IP : Change your IP and vote!


    Reason for Voting Votenew
    MOST IMPORTANT!!! Xtreme Top 100!

    Reason for Voting 35922429
    Ultimate Top 200!!
    Reason for Voting Blb
    Top Private Server!
    Forum Addict
    Forum Addict

    Posts : 56
    Join date : 2009-03-02

    Reason for Voting Empty Re: Reason for Voting

    Post  stagesin Mon Mar 16, 2009 12:12 am

    Just saying, using a proxy to vote doesn't work. Dont ask me why, it just doesn't.

      Current date/time is Sat Jun 29, 2024 3:48 pm