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    [Suggestion] Delevel NPC


    Posts : 49
    Join date : 2009-02-13
    Age : 34
    Location : Houston, TX

    [Suggestion] Delevel NPC Empty [Suggestion] Delevel NPC

    Post  1337 Tue Mar 17, 2009 10:31 am

    As most of you know, a lot of people are begging GM's to delevel them when they are over-leveled.(Level 120 or higher without job advances) I think we should have a delevel NPC. The delevel NPC will check if people are level 120 or higher and it will delevel them to level 119 so they can get their job advancements.

    Here's the Code.

    var status = 0;

    function start() {
       status = -1;

    function action(mode, type, selection) {
       if (mode == -1) {//ExitChat
       }else if (mode == 0){//No
       cm.sendOk("Talk to me when you are sure you want delevel.");
       }else{ //Regular Talk
       if (mode == 1)
       if (status == 0) {
          cm.sendYesNo("Hey #h #, do you need to #rdelevel#k your character? I can #bset your level to 119#k so you can get your job advancements. Do you want it?");
       }else if (status == 1) {
          if(cm.getChar().getLevel() < 120){
             cm.sendOk("You should be at least level 120.");
             cm.sendOk("Are you sure about this? #rYou will become level 119#k.");
       }else if (status == 2) {
          cm.sendNext("Your #blevel#K has been set to #b119#k! Go get your job advancement and enjoy playing in Akatsuki MS!");

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