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    Gm Application (MeliXD)

    New Commers
    New Commers

    Posts : 7
    Join date : 2009-02-13

    Gm Application (MeliXD) Empty Gm Application (MeliXD)

    Post  Melissa<3 Fri Feb 13, 2009 9:46 pm

    What Time Zone are you in:

    Where do you live:

    Why should we choose you as GM:
    I think that this server is GREAT(GREAT) and IF I become a GM,I would clear all problems regarding players.(Example-Joboverlevel)

    What brings you here:
    I was playing BerserkMS when I heard about AkatsukiMS.I started to play this server, and I liked it.So I quit BerserkMS, and started playing this server.

    How active can you be:
    As i get to use the computer almost everyday,so,yea,I login almost everyday.

    Do you know how to script(If you don't, put N/A):

    How long can you be active each day:
    Monday:1-5 Hours
    Tuesday:1-6 Hours
    Wednesday: "
    Thursday: "
    Friday:1-2 Hours, Because I got supplementary classes until 6.

    Will you keep your promise not to abuse your power:
    Of course.I WONT DARE TO ANYWAYS ==

    How long you been in our server:
    About 5 Days.I know I'm quite new.

    What is your In-game character name:

    Filled up the forms below =).

    What is your MSN:
    austen_teng@hotmail.com(this is my brother's email, so I'm rarely on. DONT message me on 8pm onwards.)

    What will you do when you are in our server:
    I will make people 'Enjoy their stay' =D

    Will you spam Smega and crash the server :
    I'm too lazy to BUY smegas.

    Will you reply to PM even you got flooded:
    If its multiple people, yes.
    If its just one person, no.

    You have Any GFX/Graphic design skills :

    What happen if you suddenly over spawned more then 100~200 Monsters:
    !killall & !cleardrop If they drop thousands of things.
    New Commers
    New Commers

    Posts : 7
    Join date : 2009-02-13

    Gm Application (MeliXD) Empty Re: Gm Application (MeliXD)

    Post  Melissa<3 Sat Feb 14, 2009 5:22 am

    Sorry, my new name IGN is [Melissa]<3, i changed it
    New Commers
    New Commers

    Posts : 7
    Join date : 2009-02-13

    Gm Application (MeliXD) Empty Re: Gm Application (MeliXD)

    Post  Melissa<3 Fri Feb 20, 2009 3:34 am

    Now my char is back it still stays the same; [Melissa]<3

    Oh the possibilities....

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    Gm Application (MeliXD) Empty Re: Gm Application (MeliXD)

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