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    Its Valentine day![Updated]


    Posts : 52
    Join date : 2009-02-07
    Age : 28
    Location : InDaGym

    Its Valentine day![Updated] Empty Its Valentine day![Updated]

    Post  LickMyShoe Sat Feb 14, 2009 12:44 am

    Dear Akatsukimites,

    Don't miss a chance to take part in an event specially set up for the married couples! The champion couple of each world will win themselves a special NX Items that did not exist in Cash Shop or Coco each!
    Valentine Event
    Date: 14th February 2009
    Time: Scarnia 4.40pm to 5.30pm
    Venue: Amoria , Channel 1.
    Prize: A set of special NX items for 3 pairs of winning couples.

    How to participate:
    [1]Make sure you and your partner are going steady .
    [2]GM will be sliding the event announcement 15 minutes before the event starts.
    [3]Players are to purchase any Megaphones that can shout to everyone in the world.
    [4]Once the event has started, use the Megaphone to broadcast both yours and your partner's IGN to participate in a QnA session!
    [5]The GM will send the first 5 pair of couple into an event room indicated with "O" and "X" signs.
    [6]Each couple need to answer "True" or "False" by standing below the "O" and "X" signs respectively.
    [7]Be well-prepared for the GM to give out the quiz as each couple will only have 20 seconds to answer after the quiz has been given.
    [8]Couple that get the wrong answer will be eiminated.

    [Result]The last standing couple will be the winner!

    [Prize]Prize will be given out.
    [Extra]GMs are able to participate if they have a partner.

    Rules & Regulations
    [1]Only the world Megaphone can be used. Usage of the Channel Megaphone will not be considered as Maplers may not be in the same channel as the GM.
    [2]No vulgarities will be tolerated. Any Mega with vulgarities will instantly be disqualify.It's because today is valentine.Don't be harsh on your words =).
    [3]Players caught for vuglgarities will face penalty as stated with the GM's decision.

    *GM's decision is Final.
    *No changing of Decision.
    Any GMs who disobey will be deal according to the GM Abuse Rules.

    -AkatsukiMs Event Administrator.=)

    Happy Valentine and Mapling!

      Current date/time is Wed Jul 03, 2024 5:25 pm