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    fisher's gamemaster application

    New Commers
    New Commers

    Posts : 5
    Join date : 2009-02-26
    Age : 33
    Location : Melbourne/Westsideee (;

    fisher's gamemaster application Empty fisher's gamemaster application

    Post  fisher Thu Feb 26, 2009 11:44 pm

    What Time Zone are you in:

    Australia [GMT + 10:00 sydney,melbourne,canberra]

    Where do you live:

    Melbourne, caroline springs. Victoria

    Why should we choose you as GM:

    i can help gain players for AkatsukiMS and help everyone out on problems and helping them find there answers.i can also do 3 events a day which will keep everyone happy (;

    What bring you here:

    i currently am off and decided to get maplestory off my younger nephew and play it :p. i also found this private server while searchin for a good, simple private server like this one Very Happy

    How active can you be:

    i can play daily off about 3-4 hours on a regular bases, while on the weekends i can play nearly most of the day unless i gotta party xo.

    Do you know how to Java code if answer = a little don't bother >.<

    no sorryyyy ;P

    How long can you be active each day:

    i've answered this previously

    Will you keep your promised not to abuse your power:

    yes i would, i won't just give anyone level up's or high fame just if they ask me.i dont bother with beggers as well.and i wont over summon for everyone Very Happy

    How long you been in our server:

    ummmm i've been playing.... for lets see... about 1 hour Very Happy

    What is your In-game character name:


    What is your MSN: Azn_Kid@live.com.au [really old when i was like 15 but i still use it]

    What will you do when you are in our server:

    ill provide actitvitys for everyone and keep everyone happy by answering questions and helping out with any problems they might have. i will also ban hackers >Smile hate them so much with there flying and 9999999 dmg Razz

    Will you spam Smega and crash the server :

    hell no this server is awesomeeeee (;

    Will you reply to PM even you got flooded:

    ill only answer appopriate questions and i WILL NOT reply to 'help me level plz' and 'plz make my fame max'.

    You have Any GFX/Graphic design skills :

    ummm's nope but im a quick learner

    What happen if you suddenly over spawned more then 100~200 Monsters:

    umm i'd destory them all quickly before everyone crowds the fm,henesys etc.

    about me-
    im asian (; 18years old and live in melbourne. i currently live alone and i love to party (;
    im a great gm. never had any expriences but i've learn't from my friends that were gm's (on gunz etc.)
    hope u have the time to read this (: goodluck with all ur gm apps and i hope i can become a gm soon Very Happy


      Current date/time is Sat Jul 06, 2024 8:34 am