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8 posters

    [GM / Admin Application] Harry<3


    Wad'ya think?

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    [GM / Admin Application] Harry<3 Bar_left0%[GM / Admin Application] Harry<3 Bar_right [0%] 
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    [GM / Admin Application] Harry<3 Bar_left22%[GM / Admin Application] Harry<3 Bar_right [22%] 
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    [GM / Admin Application] Harry<3 Bar_left22%[GM / Admin Application] Harry<3 Bar_right [22%] 

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    [GM / Admin Application] Harry<3 Empty [GM / Admin Application] Harry<3

    Post  [HeadGM]-Harry- Sun Mar 08, 2009 6:45 am

    What Time Zone are you in:

    Answer-I live in [GMT+8.00] Singapore Time [Same as Ace] Well, Basically i online even on California time 8AM... Usually i do that Very Happy

    Where do you live:

    Answer- As i Said, I live in Singapore [Same as Ace and alot of GMS]

    Why should we choose you as GM:

    Answer-Basically, I'm a VERY Loyal and Legit person, I would not sway you but, If there's things I must do, I will work for it and I'm not a person who gives up VERY easily and if one hacks, I'll stalk the person till he admits that he hacks just like how I banned iRestarted[Unbanned] Well I wouldn't dare to disobey you Sergio.

    What bring you here:

    Answer- Me and my friend Kevin were surfing for a new private server because we got banned from our old one for no good reason, Well that's why I say don't play SydneyMS they treat you like dogs. And one more thing, This server has taught me a lot on welfare and stuffs like that Very Happy

    How active can you be:

    Answer- As I said I can be on as long as I like, Well not basically as long as I like, Only this few days because my dad is in the hospital and I'm at home with my elder brother alone which he always goes out, So I can use the computer as long as I want even until morning [From Night]

    Do you know how to Java code?

    Answer- Well I basically know a bit of coding, As in scripting, I've scripted 3 NPCs but I think they didn't work because of some errors sergio had.

    How long can you be active each day:

    Answer- As I said I can be as long as I want, Just look on top Very Happy on the question you asked me on How Active can you be.

    Will you keep your promised not to abuse your power:

    Answer- Yes I promise that I, Harry would not dare to abuse my GM powers and become SUPER loyal to AkatsukiMS. If I abused it, You can do whatever you want to me, Ban me or Un-GM me, I will face my own actions and face the consequences of breaking a AkatsukiMS Rule.

    How long you been in our server:

    Answer- I have been in your server for 1 month and 2 weeks. And I find that this server is the MOST fun in the history of private servers I have played in my ENTIRE life. And that means a lot because I'm like person. [Person: Usually I quit a server for 1 day I remove the client and etc.] I do that too.

    What is your In-game character name:

    Answer- My In Game Character name is Harry<3 I may change my name anytime I want so I'll keep this GM Application updated and You know, Stuffs like that. I will change my name to either Advent<3 , Harry<3 , Login ID . Either one of these are my In game name.

    What is your MSN:

    Answer- My MSN Will be Frozen-Fantasy@hotmail.com [ I wont be using my MSN as my MSN always make my Internet connection DC from the internet and stuffs like that. ]

    What will you do when you are in our server:

    Answer- I will get ALL the players to vote, ETC and stuffs like that, But most lightly I'll host events that come from my brain instead of copying other people's event. [EG. Hide & Seek, T/F , Jump Quest]

    Will you spam Smega and crash the server :

    Answer- Who would want to spam and crash the server, [Like 13333337 said: I would be "Spamming" when the server is going going to shut down] I would call them to @save whenever the server is going to shut down or restart.

    Will you reply to PM even you got flooded:

    Answer- If I get flooded by the same questions I would do !say and reply ALL the same questions to whomever that asks the same question instead of whispering them slowly 1 by 1, If I get flooded by different questions I would slowly !say the answers 1 by 1.

    You have Any GFX/Graphic design skills :

    Answer- Yes, I've created 1 ~ 5 banners on AkatsukiMS. I've even created a new website on AkatsukiMS Here is the link. AkatsukiMS-Home.Weebly.com A lot of people have been there and went to the chatbox to chat whenever the server is down or whatever.

    What happen if you suddenly over spawned more then 100~200 Monsters:

    Answer- I would !tdrops then !killall and try to reduce the lag and call the players to get out of the map first before anything happens like account stuck or whatsoever, Because I see a lot of GMS spawning 100 ~ 200 monsters and didnt warn them to do anything they'll most probably dc and I have to do the work for them. So, Please investigate more on that area.

    Will you ever give out any Summoning Bags:

    Answer- If I give, MANY people will call me to give them too, And anyways, When I give, It's kinda unfair to other players as a silver slime packet can cause a person to level from 1 ~ 202. Because of that, I think we gotta ban the Silver Slime packets and remove it from the server, Only GMs are allowed to spawn them.

    What if we caught you red-handed giving out of Items:

    Answer- If you catch me giving out items you can either Ban me, Un-GM me or you can do anything to me I will take FULL responsibility on that action that I did, So IF you catch me giving out items, [Which I dont do unless events] I will take FULL Responsibility.

    Write a Summary about yourself before you be a GM:

    OKAY This summary would be about me.

    1st) I am a 14 year old kid [Same as sergio] BUT I'm intelligent [Although I threw a chair at my teacher, I did that for a reason.

    2nd) I am a Singaporean which is the same as Ace, He knows A lot bout me because we've chat A LOT on the phone before. We are kinda like bros already, He sometimes call me bro. Lol and I was wondering whose he calling because he has a younger and a older bro.

    3rd) I live in East of Singapore. [Address : Blk 251, Tampines Str 21 , 520251 , #09-452 visit me when your free Very Happy]

    OKAY That's it for my GM Application please comment as I'm already picked for the GM job, I'm now the HEADGM of AkatsukiMS and HAVE A GREAT TIME IN AKATSUKIMS [Vote now every 12hours]

    [IMPORTANT]:What is we caught you for copying people's Applications:

    Answer: Check it with Person's and 1337's ... Well I copied abit, But i still gave them credits!

    Last edited by [HeadGM]-Harry- on Mon Mar 09, 2009 12:34 am; edited 2 times in total

    Posts : 21
    Join date : 2009-02-25

    [GM / Admin Application] Harry<3 Empty Re: [GM / Admin Application] Harry<3

    Post  acesparks Sun Mar 08, 2009 7:28 am

    Harry why go make a APP you're alrdy a GM ?

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    [GM / Admin Application] Harry<3 Empty Re: [GM / Admin Application] Harry<3

    Post  [HeadGM]-Harry- Sun Mar 08, 2009 7:37 am

    Ummm,, Admin application? :O

    Posts : 21
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    [GM / Admin Application] Harry<3 Empty Re: [GM / Admin Application] Harry<3

    Post  acesparks Mon Mar 09, 2009 2:59 am

    oh... Then GOODLUCK Very Happy
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    [GM / Admin Application] Harry<3 Empty Re: [GM / Admin Application] Harry<3

    Post  paulhaas Mon Mar 09, 2009 7:26 pm

    not until u admit u love me/lichcut

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    [GM / Admin Application] Harry<3 Empty gm app

    Post  Tazik Tue Mar 10, 2009 2:52 am

    Hi, my name is George, and I'm applying to be a GM.

    Hello, I'm applying for the position of a GM because I think that I would do good job at helping others. I am pretty active In-Game and when the server is down for an update/crashed and is waiting to be up again I will be on the forums trying to help any problems I can. Here is my application and I hope you accept me as a GameMaster.

    Do you have experience with fourms/ or being a moderator?

    -I have plenty of experience with forums, and being a game moderator. I am very familiar with famous Global MapleStory forums like sleepywood, basilmarket, etc but also I like to look at other private server forums because I am interested in whats happening with them (i.e : One server was the first that released GPQ, LPQ, LMPQ, and KPQ). I will also try my best to keep all forums as organized as i can so i can help other players with there in-game or non related problems.

    Will you help other players with there problems?

    -Yes I will, I'm not just going to say "Yes, I will help other players" I will help them. By helping other players I will, answer all there questions (i.e : pointing out where things are, if or if not we have a nx seller/shop, etc). Also if they get rolledback/are stuck in a place and can't get warped out of I will listen to what happened and figure out a way to help them.

    How long can you be on our server/ help other players?

    -I am a very active person when it comes to the computer. Now it is summer and I will be available all day from around 12PM until probably 10PM. Also if anything has gone wrong with the server I will do my best to fix it to the best of my ability until a more experienced GM can 100% fix the problem. During this time i am online i will look at forums 1-3 times a day to see if any players have reports of hacking, scamming, or any other problems that might occur.

    Why should we choose you to experience the chance of being a GM?

    Well, I may not be the BEST GM out there but, I can help other players to the best of my ability such as teaching them how to get to places, or where do we get our job advancements but also I am very friendly and not only helpful. When the server is down for along period of time, I find out a way to make it up to the players for all the downtime. When a problem occurs I will use the best of my ability to figure out a way of how to solve it. If I can not do so I will try to find someone that can or that can teach me how.

    Can you handle stress?

    -Yes I can handle a decent amount of stress. I am a pretty patient person and I can stand being spammed in whisper/smegas for items. I might not give them the item depending on what it is even if they get really pissed off at me (i.e : Wizet Hats, or items that you can easily get In-Game).
    Thank you for reading/ making your decision on whether i should be a GM or not.

    Any website development experience?

    Few. I'm good with some basic stuff, but with reallly technical stuff like flash and java, I'm not so good at. I'm good at just adding the basic stuff, pages, images, etc.l

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    [GM / Admin Application] Harry<3 Empty HEY BTW my ign is BorntoPwn

    Post  Tazik Tue Mar 10, 2009 7:58 am

    HEY BTW my ign is BorntoPwn
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    [GM / Admin Application] Harry<3 Empty WTH

    Post  iSansation Tue Mar 17, 2009 9:42 pm

    Your posting a GM app under peoples GM app....

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    [GM / Admin Application] Harry<3 Empty Re: [GM / Admin Application] Harry<3

    Post  Nayi<3 Thu Mar 19, 2009 1:30 am

    Awh, nice app Harry. I love you Good luck to you too. Razz

    P.S.(You owe me 5 scoops of icecream) silent

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    [GM / Admin Application] Harry<3 Empty Re: [GM / Admin Application] Harry<3

    Post  [HeadGM]-Harry- Thu Mar 19, 2009 1:35 am

    -Gives' nayi 10 scoops of ice cream- :]


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    [GM / Admin Application] Harry<3 Empty Re: [GM / Admin Application] Harry<3

    Post  [HeadGM]-Harry- Thu Mar 19, 2009 1:36 am

    [HeadGM]-Harry- wrote:-Gives' nayi 10 scoops of ice cream- :]


    Haha my ice cream is special it wont topple over :]

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    [GM / Admin Application] Harry<3 Empty Re: [GM / Admin Application] Harry<3

    Post  Nayi<3 Thu Mar 19, 2009 3:15 am

    Yay! I want every flavor. Razz
    Kyle <3
    Kyle <3

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    [GM / Admin Application] Harry<3 Empty Re: [GM / Admin Application] Harry<3

    Post  Kyle <3 Thu Mar 26, 2009 11:13 am

    i give ya poop all flavors Razz! even green poop

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    [GM / Admin Application] Harry<3 Empty Re: [GM / Admin Application] Harry<3

    Post  whodat Mon May 14, 2012 3:49 pm

    Kyle <3 wrote:i give ya poop all flavors Razz! even green poop

    What the actual fuck?

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    [GM / Admin Application] Harry<3 Empty Re: [GM / Admin Application] Harry<3

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